Point clouds, scanning, and SketchUp

Many of you have asked us: “How can scan data be used in SketchUp?” We care a lot about usability, so the notion of importing 500 million points into SketchUp often makes us twitch. Recently, though, we spotted an opportunity to update an existing Trimble tool and allow scan data to be leveraged in SketchUp without overloading or overcomplicating your models.

With that, I am pleased to announce the Trimble Scan Explorer Extension. Using this tool in SketchUp Pro, you can now import scan data from Trimble RealWorks projects as references for building 3D models.

Trimble Scan Explorer for SketchUp .jpg
Introducing the Trimble Scan Explorer Extension for SketchUp: a tool for using scan data from Trimble RealWorks as a reference for accurate 3D modeling.

This extension starts by visualizing point clouds as lightweight images created from the original scans. You can rotate and zoom around the scan, and use simple tools to easily specify points, lines, edges and walls. These entities then appear directly in SketchUp in various ways.

Without any context in SketchUp for extracted points and edges, scan data imported straight into SketchUp would be pretty challenging to work with. To help you see where you are working in the point cloud, this extension includes an easy-to-use edge extraction tool that provides the important cues you need for modeling building space. This tool brings edges into SketchUp as guides — think of these as “edge clouds” that you can use as the basis for accurate modeling.

One click provides the shell of the structure.

If you need more of the detail, use the rectangle or polygon selection tools to extract more “edge clouds” from a portion of the scan.

Scan data is very accurate. Maybe too accurate for effective modeling. The trick is that scanning technology captures the bumps and curves in real world surfaces. If you tried to extract the edges directly from this kind of data, they would not produce good planes for efficient modeling in SketchUp.

Using the Trimble Scan Explorer, you can constrain the extraction of edges and surfaces vertically and horizontally to ensure you can model from them in SketchUp. Fields for entering your Edge, Geometric, and Snapping Constraints are provided, to allow you to get the results that you expect from these automated routines. For example, If you have a tilted surface that doesn’t align with the axes, you can turn off the constraints to extract the edges of the surface, independent of its orientation relative to the axes.

Another tool that provides quick results in SketchUp is the two-point wall selection tool. Simply click on two points on a wall you’d like to display in SketchUp, and presto!, the wall is imported as a SketchUp component. You can sequentially click your way around the room to model all of the walls this way; and if you like, automatically add the ceiling and floor. An option to close the walls further reduces the number of steps needed to model a simple room.

Wall components created from selectively referenced point cloud data using the Trimble Scan Explorer Extension

If you’d rather model your walls from selected guide points, the extension provides point and line picking tools that allow you to select the exact elements in the scan you’d like to use in your model. For instance, the automated corner extraction tool uses the intersection of planes in the scan data to identify room corners. You simply draw a box around a corner to extract the exact corner of interest. It works with interior, exterior, and oblique corners, and might just be the most useful tool in this powerful extension.

The extension can be used to extract corner points from scans manually or automatically. You pull a rectangle around the corner of interest and a point is created at the plane intersection.
Charles Haertling’s 1969 “Boulder Eye Clinic”: scanned and represented in the Trimble Scan Explorer Extension
The Boulder Eye Clinic with SketchUp guidelines extracted from Scan data: the curved edges posed a challenge, but a large amount of detail was obtained quickly as contextual guide lines for accurate modeling

Posted by Richard Hassler, Hardware Product Manager

A Ruby Debugger for SketchUp 2014

As most SketchUp Ruby extension developers would agree, debugging has always been a bit of a pain. In the past, there have been a few community projects that added debuggers to SketchUp, but these were often difficult to set up and some were abandoned over time. The rest of the Ruby community enjoys debugging with Integrated Development Environments (IDE) such as RubyMine, NetBeans and Aptana RadRails. All of these generally rely on various gems to be installed for remote debugging. Getting these gems to work within SketchUp’s embedded Ruby is usually non-trivial.

This week, we’re taking a small step towards making debugging for SketchUp extensions a bit easier. At 3D Basecamp 2014, we’ve announced an open source Ruby debugger framework. You’ll find the source code for this project hosted under our GitHub account:


We currently support Windows only but you can expect Mac support soon. Setting it up is easy:
Simply grab SURubyDebugger.dll from GitHub and copy it into your SketchUp installation directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014
Launch SketchUp with the following command line arguments:
SketchUp.exe -rdebug “ide port=1234”
The port should match the remote debugger port setting configured in the IDE.
SketchUp will start up and appear to be frozen. It is waiting for the debugger to show up.
Launch remote debugging in the IDE, SketchUp should continue running. You should see breakpoints hit when Ruby code execution reaches the specified lines.

If you are unfamiliar with installing and configuring the IDEs, we’ve posted some step-by-step instructions in the GitHub repository wiki.

We still have a few TODOs (such as multi-thread debugging, breakpoint conditions and exception breakpoints), so if you are versed in Ruby’s C API, please contribute to the project.

Happy debugging!

Posted by Bugra Barin, Software Engineer

Oh hai, SketchUp Mobile Viewer!

As designers, makers, builders, artists, teachers, students, and all around 3D troubadours, we’re passionate about our ideas, and even more so about seeing them take shape. If you’re reading this, chances are that either you or someone you know is as obsessed about SketchUp as we are. And you know how that obsession can penetrate every corner of your life. Sometimes, the only compulsion greater than push-pulling your ideas to life, is the desire to show off your brilliantly creative work, on any and every device you can get your hands on.

Up until now, one aspect of (most of) our lives has been sadly neglected by SketchUp’s addictive lure. That deliciously curvy piece of brightly lit glass you call your iPad (maybe you call it something else, but lest we digress…).

Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce all that changes. As 3D Basecamp kicks off in Vail, we’re also welcoming the SketchUp Mobile Viewer for iPad to our product family.

We’ll be telling you all about our new tablet viewer in this blog post, but we’re guessing that some of you might already just want to go buy the thing. You folks can find the SketchUp Mobile Viewer here on the iTunes App Store.

Say hello to the new SketchUp Mobile Viewer for iPad

The SketchUp Mobile Viewer app lets you explore, and present SketchUp models on your iPad. The app’s touch interface provides navigation controls for Orbit, Pan, and Zoom, allowing you to swipe and pinch your way to 3D nirvana. And you’ll notice that models are rendered with certain Style settings based on your Last Saved View, including the Sky, Ground, and Background color, as well as Face settings.

Model Viewer screen with the Cameras list open

Additional navigation controls include a Zoom Extents tool, and a Cameras list that gives you access to SketchUp’s standard camera views (Top, Front, Left, etc) along with any camera positions that were saved as Scenes in your model.

After starting up the app and logging in to your 3D Warehouse account, you’ll find your public and private 3D Warehouse models displayed on the home screen. From there, you have the option to view your models and/or download them for offline use.

The SketchUp Mobile Viewer also lets you search and browse the entire public 3D Warehouse, meaning you can explore the millions of glorious creations available in what we consider to be biggest and best repository of 3D models out there. After clicking a search result, the app’s detailed view provides a high resolution thumbnail along with key model details like title & description, author name, and file size.

Detailed search results: get a better look before opening a model in 3D or downloading it

We’re incredibly excited to make this app available to SketchUp and 3D Warehouse users, and even more excited about what’s in store for future versions. (Hold tight, Android folks!) We hope to bring even more of the SketchUp model viewing capabilities you’ve come to know and love to the SketchUp Mobile Viewer, and to expand the ways that folks present, share, and collaborate on the tablet platform. That’s where you come in: let us know what you think of the SketchUp Mobile Viewer. We’re always listening for ways to improve our products, to make them the tools you’ll want to use. So thanks for your feedback, and happy orbiting!

Posted by Mike Tadros, Product Manager

Extension Warehouse serves up one million downloads

Four words: One. Million. Downloads. ShaBoom!

This week, we are pleased to share that over the past 10 months, SketchUp users have downloaded 1 million extensions from Extension Warehouse, our online repository of add-on tools.


Extension Warehouse launched last May. Since then, over 50 developers have contributed 245 extensions. Our extensibility team has carefully reviewed each extension for quality, both initially and whenever a developer uploads a new release. New extensions and upgrades are being submitted daily. The range and quality of these tools are simply amazing. Without a doubt, these extensions make SketchUp even more useful, versatile, and fun.

In addition, the SketchUp Ruby API received a major upgrade to version 2.0 in SketchUp 2014. This update was a much needed improvement, but the downside was that many existing extensions were not necessarily compatible with the latest version of SketchUp. Thankfully, we’ve see the SketchUp developer community rise to the occasion like a rocket ship. Today, over 70% of extensions are compatible with SU 2014.

Extension Warehouse has also played a role in the creation or distribution of several open source projects, including the SketchUp STL extension, Shapes, WikiHouse and Developer Tools. Anyone is free to contribute to our open source projects on github.

If you haven’t installed an extension recently, we’d encourage you to spend some time browsing Extension Warehouse inside SketchUp (Window > Extension Warehouse). Whether you are looking for a productivity boosting utility or a full blown rendering application, there really is something for everyone. Also, many folks don’t realize that the Extension Warehouse is one of the best ways to manage an extension library. If you ever need to quickly update, migrate, or re-install all your extensions, log-in from to Extension Warehouse inside SketchUp and check out the great features on the “My Extensions” page.

We would like to extend (pun intended) a huge “Thank You!” to all the extension developers and loyal users who have helped us reach this one million downloads milestone. The first year of Extension Warehouse is shaping up to be a great one, and we have big plans to make year two even better. Stay tuned!

Posted by Bryce Stout, Extensibility Product Manager